SEED Loans
Everything you want to knowThe Loan
Seed Community provides bright, young women from vulnerable backgrounds interest free, higher education study and expenses loans.
To this date, we celebrate 96% of students completing their studies and 100% loan repayments by graduates with all graduates gaining meaningful employment.
This result presents a stark contrast to the national average of university dropouts, which is higher than 55%.
Education is not just about the economics. We know building a supportive community is key for these students to be successful at university.

Loans Repayment Rate
Completed SEED Studies
Fostering entrepreneurship amongst the SEED loan recipients is key for the girls to pay back their loans, gain valuable work experience in a business environment, and make a real contribution to the empowerment of girls in South Africa. To achieve this we created a social business called GirlZtalk.
The Process:

Interest Free Tuition Loan
Monthly Expenses Loan
Entrepreneurship + Social contribution through GirlZtalk
Employment / Experience
Mentor Support
Loan repayment
Entering the Workforce
Once the students have graduated, they enter a selection process to enter the workforce, so they can reimbourse the loan completely, and the cycle is closed.
The SEED Loan Programme: for Graduates and their Families
In 2018 we have extended our loan programme to include graduates and their families.
The SEED Graduate Loan Programme is for students who would like to gain further accreditations in their chosen fields upon completion of their degree.
Each loan is tailor made to accommodate the financial capabilities of the graduate however all loans must be paid back in full within a five-year period.
The SEED Loan Programme is now open to family members of our SEED Loan graduates. We believe the strength and future of our community lies with our students. Building trust and loyalty within our community is key to its success and we believe this can be strengthened by providing similar opportunities to the families of our graduates.

"Fostering entrepreneurship amongst the SEED loan recipients is key for the girls to pay back their loans"
"The girls gain valuable work experience in a business environment, and make a real contribution to the empowerment of girls in South Africa."In a nutshell Seed is a safety space for me, where I can be myself.
In a nutshell Seed is a safety space for me, where I can be myself.